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The Wild Rose  Meditation Circle

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Welcoming in the maiden, the mother, the maga & the crone. We come together to hold each other throughout all of our life changing & divine transitions. 

Be held, supported & connected within our sacred space

Gather, share & be heard amongst sisters

Relevant & informative discussion topics

Breath, sound & movement works

Connect, listen & develop faith within your intuition 

Guided mediations & oracle card readings

Brewed tea & light snacks



gathering Friday Evenings 

6.30pm to 8pm

within my sacred space

located in Caloundra West


with an exchange of $10

bring your daughter, aged 10- 18years for free!

spaces are limited to 6 per Circle

therefore booking your place is essential 

book online or

text me directly on 0434 641 535 

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